London always had and always will have a special place in my heart, it’s hard to explain why. I assume it has to do with its diversity and the people I know here or met here. So far I’ve been…

London always had and always will have a special place in my heart, it’s hard to explain why. I assume it has to do with its diversity and the people I know here or met here. So far I’ve been…
Festive. London is one of my favorite go-tos when it comes to Christmas shopping and getting into the right mood for the festivities. Apart from the blinking lights in Oxford Street and Regent Street (and the crowds inside Hamley’s and…
Traditional with a twist. Not too long ago I spent a nice (but short) staycation in London. I was travelling with my Mom and we really had a good time. The hotel of our choice was this time The Motel…
Very stylish. Some time ago I got all into luxury-mood and therefore went to London’s Bulgari hotel, in which you can find the extraordinary Bulgari Spa. Is it worth paying about 240 Euros (270 USD) for a 90 minutes back,…
Reliable. I’ve been to London many, many times now and I’ve always stayed in different hotels so far. As I prefer spending money in the High Streets rather than for a hotel I stayed at a lot of different B&Bs…
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