“So… what are we going to have for lunch today?” might be the most asked question in our office. Every week day around 11 am we start preparations for our meal. Are we going to order something? What is the…

“So… what are we going to have for lunch today?” might be the most asked question in our office. Every week day around 11 am we start preparations for our meal. Are we going to order something? What is the…
This post is about the probably cutest and most amazing little café in Vienna/Austria. It is called “Vollpension” which translates to something like “full pension” and is so much more than just a place where you can eat and drink.…
Whoop, it’s mid May, so the Donaukanaltreiben is coming up again!! First of all: The name means something like “Danube Canal Event” and is pronounced like [dough-now-kaw-nal-try-ben]. And what it really is is three days of great fun alongside the…
There are many ways to explore Vienna that do not include Fiakers (the animal abusing way of transportation); one of them is by riding your bike. You came to Vienna and didn’t bring your bike? Whoooot? Kidding, of course you…
Okay, so the title might be a bit misleading, because the social rules and behaviors of us Austrians’ described below may be also of interest for tourists with another origin than the United States. It’s a glance into our soul…
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